Wednesday, November 10, 2010


As a kid I went trick or treating, until I was about 13 years old. I always enjoyed the event, but now I can just take candy from my brothers when they go. The best part of Halloween is all of the horror movies that fill every time slot for major television channels. I feel that after Halloween most people and stores already begin their displays for Christmas, which is still two months away and therefore too soon and a nuisance.  On top of that since my last name is Trick, I always get a lot of jokes based on my last name.  Overall, I still enjoy Halloween, just through other outlets other than trick or treating, such as haunted trails and buildings. It’s nice to see how my brothers enjoy Halloween in their own special ways, and it is always interesting to see what they want to dress up as.                                   

1 comment:

  1. I think that it is fun to go to haunted houses around Halloween too!
