Wednesday, October 6, 2010

world without television

Since television was created, it has slowly become more intertwined with our society and our culture. Many households have multiple televisions and the average American watches at least over 4 hours of television.  We unwind in front of the T.V., we eat in front of the T.V., and we even sleep with the T.V. running. If the power grid was ever to fail us, (and therefore eliminating our precious television time) I feel Americans would freak out and there would be mass hysteria. People wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. A perfect example would be the film, Grown Ups. In the film several families take a weekend after a tragic loss, to visit a cabin that played an intimate role in the childhoods of the fathers. The comparison between the parent’s generation, (which tended to spend the majority of its time outside) and their offspring highlights younger generation’s dependence on electronics.  In an almost perfect utopia, the children grew bitter and resentful when they lost all forms of electronics. The children were so narrow minded they couldn’t see all the entertainment that was around them. It takes the children several days to adapt and see that they can live without electronics and become more active physically. Grown Ups has tackled the “what if” situation of a world without electronics or television. I believe that if television was to disappear, young people would adapt and venture more outside to interact and explore their environment leading to more independent and perhaps more intelligent younger generations.


  1. I also think that people would adapt if they were forced to live again without television and other electronics.

  2. I love that movie! And yeah I agree I think once we were forced to live without the tv I think it would be okay. But starting off it would be crazy! I hope that never happens because I watch tv all the time and I'm one of those that has to put a sleep timer on because I will sleep with it on all night if I didnt.
